Monday, October 19, 2020

The Black Series: Clone Commander Fox


Clone Commander Fox (aka CC-1010) was the commander of the Coruscant Guard. Fox originates from the Clone Wars TV show and shows up in both Phase I and II armor. This figure depicts Fox in the Phase II gear he wore during Ashoka Tano’s imprisonment during the final arc of Season 5.

On a personal note, I love the Clone Wars TV show and am excites that the Black Series is showing more love to this series!

Look of Figure

Fox’s distinctive look is replicated here with red plastic for most of the parts and some white paint applied on-top.

Hasbro really grunged up Fox with printed mud and scuff marks. These prints appear only on the front armor pieces, leaving Fox looking like he fell face first into some mud. Considering Fox is usually depicted in the cleaner sections of Coruscant, I would have preferred if the prints were dialed back a bit.

Like most elite Clone Troopers, Fox comes with a soft-goods kama. The one included here has a red trim and rides under the belt assembly. While the kama does not get in the way of posing it does flare out a bit too much at this scale. I can’t fault Fox for this issue as I have issues with soft-goods at 1/6 scale in general. I might have to look at some 3rd party products to fix my issue, eh?

There is some paint slop with the application of the white on the helmet ridge. The back of Fox’s knees also has a lot of red paint overflow, but this isn’t really an issue for me. Fox’s belt and holsters are dry-brushed with some brown to blend them in with the rest of the figure’s “battle damage”. Speaking of which…

The Coruscant Guard symbol is printed on the Left shoulder pauldron. My print looks fairly centered!


I think Hasbro has really nailed this look for Commander Fox! I’m excited to see how he compares to the rest of the Commanders!


Like most of the old Clone Troopers, Fox has a double elbow that can only get to 90 degrees. There’s a bicep swivel concealed by the upper arm armor. The shoulder armor hampers a hinge-and-swivel joint at the shoulder, preventing much the hinge’s movement. His arms go all the way around though!

Fox’s knees also sport a 90-degree double joint which prevents his ability to kick his own butt. The thigh armor


The clone body’s neck isn’t jointed so the only head movement derives from the ball-and-socket joint at the helmet connection. The Phase II helmet is able rotate freely but the sculpt prevent most side-to-side tilt and back-to-front tilt. There is a serviceable amount but it’s pretty hard to get believable dynamic poses that aren’t just head-on.

Fox’s upper torso join feels like a ball-and-socket joint that lets him move very well at that section. The belt can get in the way but it is soft and the torso armor can push it out.

Fox has a trigger finger hand with an up-and-down hinge on the left. Unfortunately, there's  a generic holding hold with a side-to-side hinge on the right. Both wrists swivel on a peg as well.

Standard hinge-and-peg joint at the feet. Mine had a fair amount of flash that I had to clean-up.

The old-style clone body is pretty hard to pose properly. His arms don’t really want to stay in natural positions and his feet don’t really want to stay flat. I can’t tell if that’s do to the detents being in odd positions or the armor sculpt just being a pain. I dunno but Fox is gonna be stuck in this pose for the rest of his life!


In the package are two DC-17 hand blasters, a DC-15A blaster carbine and a DC-15 blasted rifle.

All three weapons look pretty well detailed!

The hand blaster’s are flat black and lack any kind of paint detail. In contrast the Rifle has a heavy silver dry brush applied. 

Fox can carry his pistols either in his hands or in his holster. His right hand can fit the pistol fine, but the pistol has to be shoved into the left hand. It looks fine, just nerve wracking!

The figure can wield the large rifle pretty menacingly, but it can't be stored on the figure, so into the pile o’ guns it goes!

Size & Comparisons

Commander Fox stands at about 6 inches tall. That's a bit taller than Temuera Morrison's real life height of 5'7", but lines up with the Clones canon height of 6' flat.

Here's Fox next too Count Dooku and a Heavy Battle Droid:

And finally here's the trash that surrounds Fox when you buy him:

Since I love the prequel Troopers and all thier crazy paint schemes, I had to get Fox. I'm also happy that I actually like Commander Fox and have no regrets getting him, even at the Fan Channel mark-up! My only major complaint is with his posability. I'm looking forward to getting Commander Bly and the new Kamino Trooper to see iof either of those bodies resolve my issues!

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